Tuesday, January 22, 2008

How To Treat Tennis Elbow

How To Treat Tennis Elbow

If you suffer from tennis elbow there are some things you can do to treat it at home. One of the easiest ways to relieve the pain of tennis elbow is by avoiding any activity that makes the pain worse. Since overuse of specific tendons is what is causing the pain try to limit your movement to give the tendons time to heal. Applying an ice pack for a few hours at a time will also give your tennis elbow some relief. Buy a tennis elbow brace and wear it when you find yourself needing to utilize the affected limb. If your doctor did not prescribe any medication for your tennis elbow, you can purchase Advil or Ibuprofen to relieve some of the pain. Once your treatment is on the right track and you can feel the pain subsiding you should start lightly exercising your arm to strengthen your healing tendons. Ask your doctor about the appropriate exercises.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How To Treat Canker Sores

How To Treat Canker Sores

Definitely not a cure, but one of the best ways to treat canker sores is to regularly rinse your mouth with a 50/50 solution of hydrogen peroxide and water. You may want to take a pain reliever until the canker sore heals. It is recommended to use ibuprofen to relieve the pain, but if that bothers your stomach you can use acetaminophen. Food products and additives are suspected of making canker sores worse. Try to avoid any foods that you find may trigger an outbreak. Other homemade treatments for canker sores include; gargling with salt water, gargling with mouth wash, gargling with a mouthwash consisting of one aspirin and some water, applying tea tree oil to the sore, and finally, applying Milk of Magnesia directly to the canker sore. Most people learn how to treat their canker sores by trial and error. It may take some experimenting, but you'll come to find what canker sore treatment works best for you.
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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

How To Grill in Winter - Grilling in Winter

How To Grill in Winter - Grilling in Winter

Some simple tips for how to grill in winter. Just because Summer has passed and its cold outside doesn't mean you need to store away the grill for winter. In fact, grilled food tastes just as good in Winter as it does in the Summer. Whether you're using a gas grill or a charcoal grill the basics still apply. You'll find only a few differences in the way you grill in winter. Naturally, you'll want to dress warmer. And you'll also need to watch your grilling times. The extra dip in temperature can add a few more minutes of cooking time to get that steak grilled to perfection. If you're grilling outdoors in winter, you'll also want to watch your step. Holding onto a plate of steaks and utensils can distract you from slippery spots that can in turn cause an unwanted accident. Grilling in winter is one of my favorite ways to relax. Hopefully you can find some time to relax & grill outdoors this winter too!
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